The new Programme “Citizens for Europe” 2007 – 2013″ will focus on the objectives concering participation as mentioned in my last post.
The European Commission has adopted the proposal1 on 6th of April 2005 for a new programme “Citizens for Europe” 2007 – 2013.
This programme will take over the current programme coming to an end in 2006. It is a contribution to addressing a major challenge of the European Union, namely how to bridge the gap between citizens and the European Union.
This new programme will provide the Union with instruments to promote active European citizenship, put citizens in the centre and offers them the opportunity to fully assume their responsibility as European citizens. It responds to the need to improve their participation in the construction of Europe and will encourage cooperation between citizens and their organisations form different countries in order to meet, act together and develop their own ideas in a European environment which goes beyond a national vision, respecting their diversity.
The web-site “Network for Citizenship and Society” seems to aggregate useful information on the topic. It is a pity that it lacks up to date means of interactivity and RSS. But you can subscribe to its e-mail newsletter. » Ausschreibungen und Deadlines
[…] Auch für das Programm “Europe for Citizens” gibt es bereits voraussichtliche Deadlines. Auf einen entsprechenden Workshop zu diesem Programm, der bereits nächste Woche in der Steiermark stattfindet, möchte ich auch hinweisen. Der Workshop dürfte Städte und Gemeinden ansprechen, die an Partnerschaften interessiert sind. […]