CORDIS FP6: New and emerging science and technology (NEST): Pathfinder initiatives 2005-2006
Understanding culture, its continuities and discontinuities should be a major concern of scientific analyses. Knowledge about the ways in which culture and cultural traits are transmitted, and the possibilities these processes allow for influencing cultural developments and cultural change will be critical components of political, economic and societal development strategies. The research supported by this initiative should be aimed at bringing together from different fields of science, technology, the social sciences and humanities, concepts, data and analytical methods, to promote a better understanding and predictive capacity relating to transmission, change and innovation in human culture.
Besonders den Bereich “Cultural dynamics: from transmission and change to innovation” finde ich sehr interessant! Da könnte z.B. “Social Software” kulturwissenschaftlich erforscht werden. Aber viele andere Themenbereiche werden auch angesprochen.
Die FFG (Bereich Europaeische und Internationale Programme) veranstaltet am Mittwoch, den 7. Dezember 2005, von 10:00 bis 17:00 im “Tech Gate Vienna” einen Informationsworkshop zu diesen neuen NEST Pathfinder Ausschreibungen mit einem Vertreter der Europaeischen Kommission.
Das Programm und Anmeldungsformular findet sich unter:
Paolo Manzelli
“Challenges on science and humanities for cognitive anticipation : cultural dynamics: from cognitive change to innovation”
>> Program on the issue:
>> (see preliminary approach in attach)
>> I would like to remember that the preliminary objective of the ON-NS – PATHFINDER 4 -Proposal , is to elaborate the crucial for the knowledge driven society , in science and humanities where it is a key concept an interdisciplinary approach focused un the work of INFORMATION in biological and social system evolution.
>> The Proposal tries to promote an transdisciplinary research , that get an higher level of challenging themas that could lead to a re-examination of science and society cultural approach based on a reductionistic mechanical approach developed during the Industrial Society that nowadays is becoming obsolete to interpret Life Science undestanding and to favour a Science advancements avoiding bio-risks.
>> The project OPEN NETWORK FOR NEW SCIENCE is focused to strenthening the innovative research cohesion between the field of Cognitive Science advancement in the context of new paradigmatic approach connecting , economy, sociology , neuropsycology , aiming to enhance a cultural dialog with a greath impact on the public immage of renewing science and society and improving European Knowledge Economy ( i.e. social and human capital through new creative approach to the integration of sciences based on overcoming the conceptual limists and reductionisms of the disciplinary approaches. ).
>> See attached file as a preliminary approach on “Integrated Science” conceptualization of INFORMATION.
>> Potential followup activities of the ON-NS PathFinder Proposal are focused to develop a diffusion and a open dialogue to the citizen and political and cultural makers catalyzed by the web- dissemination and a system of web-learning Editor on -demand. So that it is important to find partners that can be eble to develop such activities in an European Scale .
>> I hope you can collaborate also to finf a network of appropriated Parynerships to the My best regards and Cordiality’s
>> Paolo Manzelli FIRENZE 09/DIC/2005.
>>Director of LRE/EGO-CreaNet – University of Florence
>>50019 Firenze- Via Della Lastruccia 3 -room: 334: Phone: +39/055-4573135 Fax: +39/055-4573077
>>Mobile: +39/335-6760004
>>E-mail: LRE@UNIFI.IT ;;