Auf die Fördermöglichkeiten (sogar ohne Antragsformular) der European Cultural Foundation habe ich ja bereits hingewiesen.
Im letzten Newsletter findet sich ein gut zusammengestelltes Dossier zum Thema Internet und Kultur.
Zwei kurze Leseproben:
In order to realise a ‘public production’ relationship with its visitors, the online representation of an arts centre has to exceed the typical brochure, or folder-like static website. Using social software makes this possible. Implementing social software and folksonomies allows for new ways of presentation. It creates new opportunities and new forms of collective and personal cultural experiences because cultural content becomes enriched with social information.
Times they are a-changin’ and what exciting times these are… Just as cultural organisations have finally accepted that they need an online (Web 1.0) presence – and over time have even learned to be quite good at it – along comes an “upgrade” with all these fabulous Web 2.0 opportunities and challenges. The paradigm is clear: in order to enhance experience and involvement, cultural organisations need to communicate with their audiences (visitors and users) in new ways and establish new forms of relationships.
Innovative Formen der Kommunikation und Publikumseinbindung sind übrigens nicht unwesentliche Kriterien bei EU-Förderungen.