Ich möchte nicht versäumen auf diesen interessanten Artikel über Google Hangouts hinzuweisen, den ich gerade im Zuge meiner Recherchen für die heutige eLecture über Google+ fand.
Sehr anschaulich wird beschrieben, wie kompliziert und fehleranfällig Online-Konferenzen noch vor wenigen Jahren waren:
“Can you hear me? I can’t hear you…”
Dann kam Skype. Mit verlässlichen Verbindungen.
Aber Google Hangouts können mehr. Bis zu 10 Personen, Application Sharting, Chat usw. Besonder interessant ist der neue Service „Hangouts on Air“, der leider noch nicht in Österreich und Deutschland verfügbar ist.
One ingenious feature of Hangouts is the new “Hangouts on the Air” technology, which gets around the 10-person limitation and live streams the hangout to an unlimited online audience, which can interact with the 10 people through comments and questions that appear in the Hangout chat window.
Google + Hangouts have enabled businesses to perform direct and open communication with an audience of their choice whenever they wish, or gather an worldwide audience to events like maybe a concert, a cooking class, a technology discussion panel, training or whatever you want.
Besonders interessant finde ich aber den Bericht über den kanadischen Politiker Garth Frizzell, der Google Hangouts nutzt, um mit WählerInnen zu sprechen. Dieser schreibt in seinem Weblog:
Some time ago, I began regular video-conferences with people. My goal was to talk with people about municipal issues that were affecting them in their cities, whether it was Prince George, or even Victoria, Surrey, Montréal, Winnipeg… wherever. The response was surprising. People liked talking frankly, unfiltered, with no preparation… about issues affecting them. The uptake was great from other elected officials too. Scott Elliot, Councillor for the City of Quesnel joined me early. Dan Albas MP became the first Canadian MP to do Hangout-on-the-Air, and Joyce Murray MP became the first female Canadian MP shortly thereafter. With no agenda, and no partisan leaning, the discussion has migrated to where random Canadians wanted to take it. It’s been an interesting start, and the only observation that’s been consistent has been that the open format is one that they LOVED.
Hier zwei Beispiele von Aufzeichnungen
P.S.: Im Google Hangout mit Barack Obama sieht das wesentlicher professioneller, aber doch ein bisschen inszeniert, aus.
Dear David,
It has been a pleasure connecting with in the past 36 hours. I would enjoy the chance to speak with your students, if that fits your curriculum, and if there are some with English or French language.
I appreciate your insights, and look forward to the next steps with this great technology. I look forward to hearing more from you.
warm regards,