Geld verdienen mit Webinaren

Letzte Woche durfte ich in Freising bei München beim #FREItag2017 einen Workshop zum Thema „Geld verdienen mit Webinaren für Freie Journalist_innen halten. Einige Absätze dazu habe ich für das Handout verfasst: Einsatzmöglichkeiten und die entsprechenden Verdienstchancen Die Verdienstmöglichkeiten sind so vielfältig wie die Einsatzmöglichkeiten, sodass die folgende Übersicht unvollständig bleiben muss. Grundsätzlich kann man zwischen … [Read more…]

How to Boost Interactivity in a Webinar?

Why would one prefer a live webinar instead of a recording? The key to this question is interactivity. But how to achieve this? Which activities increase participation and interactivity? Try to keep participants active and involved at all times as there are so many possibilities for distraction online (checking emails, instant messaging…). Before and during … [Read more…]

The Art of Hosting a Webinar

The most important aspect is identification of participants with the online meeting. To let participants literally “participate” is the key for identification. This can be achieved by e.g. Discussing the content of the webinar before the event at online boards, collaborative text editors etc. Email should be avoided as nobody wants to be encouraged to … [Read more…]

Social Capital and Community Building through Webinars

Colleagues in Sweden (Linnaeus University, Karlstad University), Denmark, Iceland and Norway succeeded with an application at the NORDPLUS-Programme Starting in autumn we will further experiment with engaging and social live online events. The aim of the Webinar-ICL project is to investigate ways of developing dynamic, interactive synchronous online events and using them to build online … [Read more…]