Ruth Gutermann hat mich eben auf folgendes Online-Lernangebot, das diesen Herbst starten soll, aufmerksam gemacht: “Dialogues on Feminism and Technology”. Es handelt sich dabei um einen „DOCC“ (Distributed Open Collaborative Course). Mit diesem – für mich bisher neuen Begriff – soll eine MOOC-Alternative beschrieben werden, die einen stärken Peer-Ansatz verfolgt:
„The DOCC model for 21st-century higher education recognizes and is built on the understanding that expertise is distributed throughout a network, among participants in diverse institutional contexts. This model explicitly departs from the typical MOOC approach organized around the delivery of information from an “expert” faculty (or a pair of instructors) to the uninformed “masses.” The organization of a DOCC emphasizes learning collaboratively in a digital age by enabling the active participation of all kinds of learners (as teachers, as students, as media-makers, as activists, as trainers, as members of various publics and/or social groups). By virtue of its reach across institutions and learning sites, the DOCC also enables the extension of classroom experience beyond the walls, physical or virtual, of a single institution.“
Allzu weit weg von cMOOCs scheint das DOCC-Konzept nicht einzuordnen sein. Trägt der neue Begriff tatsächlich zur besseren Unterscheidbarkeit bei? Die zugrundeliegenden Ideen gefallen mir auf jeden Fall.