Ich arbeite gerade an einem Antrag aus dem Programm „EUROPA FÜR BÜRGERINNEN UND BÜRGER“. Wären doch alle Kostenpläne so einfach…
Europa – Citizenship – Support for projects initiated by civil society organisations
SIMPLIFICATION: For event type of projects the grant will be calculated on the basis of fixed amounts per participant/day and lump sums for final products publication, DVD/CD-ROM, internet site. The system provides the following advantages for the beneficiaries:– the amount awarded covers all possible costs; a detailed budget does not have to be submitted;
– a detailed final statement of costs will not be required, nor does supporting documentation for the expenditure have to be supplied with the final project report;
– the only requirement will be the submission of a report detailing the implementation and results of the project, a list of participants and copies of any final product; Additionally, for statistical purposes, beneficiaries will be required to supply a summary breakdown of final project income and expenditure;
– the beneficiary is at liberty to decide how to use the grant for the implementation of the project.