Vom 29. Juni bis zum 2. Juli 2006 findet in Mondorf-les-Bains/ Luxemburg ein Grundtvig Kontaktseminar zum Thema „Lifelong Learning + 55“ statt, welches gemeinsam von den Nationalagenturen in Belgien und Luxemburg organisiert wird. Das Seminar findet dreisprachig (englisch, deutsch, französisch) statt. Zielgruppe sind alle Personen, welche in Institutionen arbeiten, die sich mit diesem Thema beschäftigen. Allerdings liegt ein Hauptaugemerk auch auf den Lernenden dieser Institutionen, welche als Teilnehmerin / als Teilnehmer willkommen sind! Für Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an Frau Mag. Ursula Großruck (ursula.grossruck@sokrates.at; tel: 01/ 53408-15)
We want to invite all interested representatives of all kind of institutions dealing with adults +55 from all countries involved in the Socrates program as well as colleagues from the national agencies.
In order to promote linguistic diversity in the UE we plan to have this contact seminar in three languages (at least for the podium discussions) which will be German, French and English.
The location of the seminar will be Mondorf-les-Bains, a well known Spa resort in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg _ you can already get some information about this location and the hotel at www.mondorf.lu.
The inscription fee of the seminar is estimated at 525 EURO.
Further details will be announced in the coming weeks.
We would appreciate to obtain from now on an expression of interest from you to participate at the seminar and an estimation of the number of participants you plan to send. The number will be limited at 50 participants.
Javier Avila
Dear colleagues, I am a teacher at the University of Cordoba (Spain) where we hold an „Intergenerational Chair“ where people attend university (mainly after retirement). Since the topic of your seminar is directly related to part of our institutions activities I would be very interested in attending. My institution CETA (Cordoba English Teachers Association) includes teachers from kindergarden to Adult Education and we are specially interested in lifelong learning.