New Call, Daphne II

Daphne Call

A new Call for Daphne will be published soon. The deadline will be Feb. 10, 2006.
Daphne is the EU-funding programme to combat violence against children, young people and women.

New this year :

  • only one call (instead of two as in 2004 and 2005)
  • maximum EC funding per grant : €175.000 for each 12 month-period (instead of 125.000 € previously); funding of 12 and 24 months projects.
  • maximum 80% co-financing by the Commission
  • in addition to EU, EFTA/EEA and candidate countries, this year the programme is open, for participation on a non-funded basis, also to: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro.


  • Peer violence and peer protection mechanisms
  • European legislation relating to violence
  • Participation of children, young people and women in violence prevention and victim support
  • Indicators and related data collection
  • Extraction of policy issues from work achieved by Daphne-funded projects
  • Exchange, adaptation and use of existing good practices

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