Ich schreibe gerade an einem Antrag aus dem Lifelong Learning Programme/Grundtvig zum Thema Digital Storytelling und Migration. Eben habe ich eine gute Definition der Begriffe Promotion, Dissemination und Exploitation gefunden.
EUROPA – Education and Training – The Lifelong Learning Programme
Dissemination and Exploitation of Results
Activities designed to ensure that the results of the LLP and its predecessors are appropriately recognised, demonstrated and implemented on a wide scale. Within the context of the LLP, the following distinctions should be observed:
Promotion and awareness-raising is used primarily in the context of publicising the existence of programmes and initiatives, their aims, objectives and activities and the availability of funding for given purposes. This definition excludes the publicising of results. As such, promotion and raising awareness occurs primarily before and during the actual implementation of the programmes or initiatives
Dissemination is defined as a planned process of providing information on the quality, relevance and effectiveness of the results of programmes and initiatives to key actors. It occurs as and when the results of programmes and initiatives become available
Exploitation consists of ‘mainstreaming’ and ‘multiplication’. Mainstreaming is the planned process of transferring the successful results of programmes and initiatives to appropriate decision-makers in regulated local, regional, national and European systems. Multiplication is the planned process of convincing individual end-users to adopt and/or apply the results of programmes and initiatives.
Dissemination and exploitation are therefore distinct but closely related to one another. The keys to a successful exploitation of results are:
– producing relevant results from projects ad programmes/initiatives to satisfy the demands of providers, policy-makers and ultimately society more generally, and
– ensuring, through the use of effective dissemination and exploitation, that such results reach the right target audiences in a format and at a time which enables them to benefit from themDissemination and Exploitation Plan
A plan for dissemination and exploitation indicates those activities that are going to be carried out during a project’s lifetime. The plan has to be drafted at the very beginning of a project often at proposal stage and must contain activities to be carried out continuously until the project’s end and possibly afterwards.