Einreichungen für folgende Ausschreibung der UNESCO (Frist: 15. November 2006) sollten vor allem Aspekte der kulturellen Diversität, des Nutzens für unterpriviligierte Gruppen und mögliche innovative Nutzung neuer Technologien herausstreichen. Nur Teile des Budgets werden übernommen.
The International Fund for the Promotion of Culture finances in part projects within the field of cultural development, which are proposed by institutions, organizations, associations or individuals. The main aim of the Fund is to help cultural artists and managers to find additional financing for their projects, so that cultural diversity may benefit from globalisation and better assert itself instead of being its victim.
Projects submitted for examination by the Administrative Council will have to fall within the following categories:
- Promotion of diversity in all its forms of contemporary cultural expression, through the promotion of various cultures (the values they embody and the forms of expression, which ensure their authenticity and identity) in accordance with the autonomy and freedom of expression of the artists.
- Improving the efficiency and the correct management of national or regional, cultural and artistic institutions, as well as of any other structure or equipment with a cultural calling, through, among others, the training of specialists in development and cultural action (planners, managers, artistic activity leaders, technicians).
- Research in the field of contemporary cultural practices. (Including cultural development, cultural production and circulation, etc.)
- Promotion of culture with new audiences and new publics, namely by the organization of exchanges and of network development.
Projects submitted for financing to the Administrative Council of the Fund should all be framed within a development strategy through a cultural activity. As a general rule, contributions from IFPC should cover only part of the provisional budget, the other part being taken in charge by the future beneficiary or by other public or private support institutions, prepared to join in the realization of the project concerned.
Funding requests for projects planned during the first half of 2008 should be made this year (latest date for submission: 15 November 2006).