Für das Bundesinstitut für Erwachsenenbildung in Strobl am Wolfgangsee und eine in Entwicklung befindliche Community zum Thema Gemeinwesenarbeit organisiere ich Online-Meetings, die diskursive Begegnungen und Impulse zur Vernetzung von AkteurInnen bieten sollen.
Die zweite Online-Veranstaltung wird dem Thema „Action Research“ gewidmet.
Thursday, June 12, 14.00 – 15.00 CET
Finding Solutions, Finding Evidence: Action Research with Communities
Alison Gilchrist will present some introductory ideas about community-led action research and examine how these methods can be used to achieve community goals and develop the skills, confidence and capacity of volunteers and residents to carry out their own research and campaigns. A short input from Alison Gilchrist will be followed by time for questions and discussion about how you could use this approach in your work with diverse communities and will be an opportunity to explore practical applications and issues. This will be a ‘taster’ for a two day residential course to run at bifeb, Strobl, Austria in September later this year.
Alison Gilchrist has many years experience in community development in the UK: as a practitioner, a trainer, researcher and project manager. See www.alisongilchrist.co.uk for further details.
Link for participation via audio, video & chat: http://proj.adobeconnect.com/gwa/
(enter as „guest“)
Screenshot from first meeting.
In diesem Kontext will ich auch gerne auf eine interessante EU-Ausschreibung im Programm Horizon 2020 aufmerksam machen:
Call for integrating Society in Science and Innovation
Erwartete Wirkungen der Projekte:
In the short term, this action will increase public awareness of science and of Responsible Research and Innovation. In the medium term, it will build capacity of local science actors and public authorities to engage with citizens on science and innovation, leading to more public engagement activities after the end of the project. Equally, it will directly encourage more citizens, including women, to participate in science. It will encourage user-led and frugal innovation, and mobilise social resources in the knowledge transfer of ideas – from social imagination to practical implementation. In the long term, it will channel to policy makers at different levels external advice and societal inputs regarding appropriate policies.
Die Einreichfrist für Anträge ist erst im September 2015.